Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Life as I know it

At the moment I'm watching a Glee rerun because it's on TV and it's mildly interesting. The Princess of Light is quiet on the couch for the first time today and I'm taking advantage of it. She's going between watching the TV and watching me type on the computer.

I watched TV very, very rarely until I graduated from college and was hugely pregnant. Then I discovered exactly how much junk was on TV- and we don't even have cable. Now I watch a lot less TV, but today was a TV-watching day. I got tired of reading about serious stuff online, so I watched The Tudors on Netflix instead.

This afternoon was hard. Baby was quite fussy and I was feeling very alone and a bit desperate. Then I realized that lunch would be more complicated to make than I thought, due to lack of bread, and baby would not be happy. It got better, though, and Tuxedo Dad came home between shifts after all so I got a little bit of a break.

I do love being Mommy, it's just hard when baby needs mommy constantly. I've realized that I won't be getting a real break for a year or two. That's okay, though. And the times where I end up in tears are rare, thank goodness.

In other news, Glee is actually rather interesting. Too bad it isn't on Netflix's instant play!

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